Take the Youth Survey

Take the Youth Survey

If you are between the ages of 10 and 17, we invite you to take the free Compass Youth Survey, a 13-minute quiz that will help you identify, understand, and strengthen the core abilities that help you thrive.

Together, these abilities work like a compass, helping you become the pilot of a meaningful, productive, and fulfilling life.

You have more control over your own development and growth than you may think! The personalized results from this research-based survey designed by psychologists will help you look at your strengths through a different lens. Ready for a promising perspective about yourself and your future?

Upon completion, you’ll receive results showing the core attributes you use most and least often–and how to strengthen them.

Take the Youth Survey for Ages 10-17

Young people your age created the document below. In their own words, it’s what they want from their families, schools and communities. Do you have a dream? The free guide you’ll receive after completing the Youth Survey will help you communicate the kind of support you want from others and help grow internal strengths that will last a lifetime.

Take the Youth Survey Now

Take the Youth Survey for Ages 10-17

Additional Resources

Surveys were created by Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD, developmental psychologist, researcher, and fellow at the Institute for Social Innovation, Fielding Graduate University. Upon completion, each participant receives personalized scores, including guidance on how to interpret and apply the information. Individual data is always private and confidential. By participating, you also contribute to collective research in the fields of youth and adult development. Please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.