youth development approach

positive youth development

Positive Youth Development: Research, Principles, and Practices

Positive youth development is the practice of nurturing core internal strengths and abilities in children and teens. It is about providing opportunities for youth to believe in themselves and their abilities to influence their lives and the world around them.  As families, schools, and communities, we share one goal.  We want […]


Good Grades May Harm Student Health

Good grades are positive, right? The answer is not as straightforward as you might imagine. Of course, good grades can be terrific. That is, unless the stress of getting them causes children to feel unworthy or fail to develop abilities that matter much more than grades. Even for children who […]

Children and Families Thrive When Communities Care, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Children and Families Thrive When Communities Care

Communities make a positive difference for children and families when they connect around common values, form meaningful relationships with each other, and provide resources that help kids flourish in life. We know this to be true, not just from research, but because we know deep in our bones that the […]

Mentoring Youth: Being a Good Teacher and Helpful Friend, by Varda Meyers Epstein

Mentoring Youth: Being a Good Teacher and Helpful Friend

Robert Moskovits began mentoring David* at a summer camp when David was 12. For the next four summers, the two spent time together during camp sessions, chatting about the deep stuff in life. Even after David was too old for camp, Robert stayed in touch, calling him from time to […]

Why Risk-Taking May Increase Teen Happiness, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Why Risk-Taking May Increase Teen Happiness

One of the first things you might associate with teenagers is their risk-taking behavior. And most of the time, those associations are negative. Right? That’s because we are deluged with stories of troubled youth whose risk-taking actions got out of hand —sometimes with tragic results. But what if there was […]

All Children Have Special Needs, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

All Children Have Special Needs

Do you parent, teach, or mentor a child with special needs? Of course you do! As you know, the term special needs is most often associated with disabilities. It usually refers to a child who needs special assistance or accommodations for medical, psychological, or learning deficits. But have we allowed […]

Entitlement: Feelings that Follow Students to College, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Entitlement: Feelings that Follow Students to College

You’ve likely heard the term entitlement, defined by the American Psychiatric Association as “unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with expectations.” In today’s college environment, a new term has emerged called academic entitlement. It refers to a student’s expectation that they receive high grades, regardless of performance. While it’s […]

Parent Engagement: A Paradigm Shift, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Parent Engagement: A Paradigm Shift

Years of academic studies have shown that parent engagement is linked to children’s academic, social, and emotional development. But what is parent engagement? And how must it shift to meet the increasing demands of 21st century learners? Many equate parent engagement to volunteering, school governance, and fundraising. While these activities are […]

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist?

Before my daughter entered elementary school, I knew she learned differently from other kids.  But I always imagined that no matter how she learned, her future teachers would create an environment where she would thrive and we would work as partners to support her learning.  My view of education was […]

Children Learn What They Live: Lessons from Dorothy Law Nolte, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Children Learn What They Live: Lessons from Dorothy Law Nolte

Meet Dorothy Law Nolte. She’s a woman who understood the field of positive youth development before it was invented. Born in 1924, Dorothy Law Nolte became a parent educator, family counselor, and writer known for her inspirational poem, Children Learn What They Live. First published in 1954, it was pasted […]

3 Sources of Positive Youth Development, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

3 Sources of Positive Youth Development

Do you ever wonder how children grow up to be happy, fulfilled, and engaged in life?   While there are no easy answers, research shows that three things make a big difference.  First, children need positive life experiences that engage them in meaningful activities.  Second, they need adults who help […]
