
skeptic teenager

Skeptic or Cynic? How to Model Positive Skepticism to Children

Skeptics has been given a bad rap in modern society. Why? Because skepticism is often confused with cynicism. Let’s explore the distinctions and why it’s important to teach children the art of becoming a skeptic. A cynic distrusts most information they see or hear, particularly when it challenges their own […]

Perfectionism in children

Perfectionism in Children Can Be Moderated by Parents

In today’s culture of high stakes testing and tough competition for college admissions, perfectionism in children can be viewed as a desirable trait. But recent research shows that perfectionism can interfere with a child’s ability to achieve goals and shape their futures–the core of what it means to be resourceful. […]

Critical Thinking: How to Grow Your Child's Mind, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Critical Thinking: How to Grow Your Child’s Mind

Is critical thinking for kids? Absolutely! The art of critical thinking begins in childhood. What kind of thinker is your child?  Does he believe everything on TV?  Does she always figure out how to get what she wants?  Does he ask questions?  Does she go along with what her friends […]

Science Experiments for Kids: Making Learning Fun, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Science Experiments for Kids: Making Learning Fun

If you’re looking for creative science experiments for kids, we’ve got some great resources for you! Whether or not you have a budding ecologist, neuroscientist, or engineer, all children gain important abilities when parents support and encourage doing at-home, easy science experiments. For kids of all ages, the benefits are […]

Self-Awareness in a World of Constant Chatter, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Self-Awareness in a World of Constant Chatter

Technology and self-awareness can seem incompatible. In fact, mobile devices often prevent us from seeing what’s right before our eyes. YouTube is filled with hilarious and sometimes scary videos of people unexpectedly falling into water fountains, walking into walls, or tripping off curbs. On a recent trip to the shopping […]

Is Your Child Prepared for Lifelong Learning? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Is Your Child Prepared for Lifelong Learning?

Lifelong learning is a buzzword in 21st century education. And for good reason. Becoming a seeker of lifelong learning is critical in today’s fast-changing world. Learning is not only a matter of absorbing information but a process of developing many other internal skills, like curiosity, perseverance, and the ability to […]

Mindful Warriors: Meditation for Teenagers, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Mindful Warriors: Meditation for Teenagers

Can meditation positively affect teenagers’ lives? Absolutely it can! Research in neuroscience and attention provides evidence that meditation strengthens the neural systems of the brain that are responsible for concentration and generating empathy. Becoming more mindful helps children and adolescents better regulate how life circumstances impact their mental health. I […]

College Orientation for Parents: Foster Resilience! by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

College Orientation for Parents: Foster Resilience!

Were you one of the thousands of parents who recently left your college freshman in an unfamiliar place?  For college freshmen and their families, September is usually a time of excitement and trepidation – an honored American rite of passage. But what has changed for you and your child? And […]

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist?

Before my daughter entered elementary school, I knew she learned differently from other kids.  But I always imagined that no matter how she learned, her future teachers would create an environment where she would thrive and we would work as partners to support her learning.  My view of education was […]
