Family-School Partnerships

Back-to-school articles

Best Back-to-School Articles for Parents: 2024-25

Back-to-school is always a time when parents and teachers revisit what is important for children and how to best support their positive development. This popular list of back-to-school articles, started in 2012, has been updated for the 2024-25 school year. Most articles bring you the latest thinking and research on […]


Family Engagement: A Two-Way Partnership

I’ve been an advocate for family engagement in education for many years. But throughout those years, one of the most challenging tasks has been to define this two-way partnership. What is it that parents and teachers need to understand about working together? And why is this partnering so important to […]

Children and Families Thrive When Communities Care, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Children and Families Thrive When Communities Care

Communities make a positive difference for children and families when they connect around common values, form meaningful relationships with each other, and provide resources that help kids flourish in life. We know this to be true, not just from research, but because we know deep in our bones that the […]

Raffi: Advocate for Children, Earth and Music, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Raffi: Advocate for Children, Earth and Music

Many of our cherished memories are tied to childhood and music. Today, neuroscience is beginning to understand how music heals the body, influences our emotions, sparks creativity, and even connects us with nature. From infancy onward, I tried to fill my daughter’s life with melody – from classical to folk […]

Parent Engagement: A Paradigm Shift, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Parent Engagement: A Paradigm Shift

Years of academic studies have shown that parent engagement is linked to children’s academic, social, and emotional development. But what is parent engagement? And how must it shift to meet the increasing demands of 21st century learners? Many equate parent engagement to volunteering, school governance, and fundraising. While these activities are […]

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist?

Before my daughter entered elementary school, I knew she learned differently from other kids.  But I always imagined that no matter how she learned, her future teachers would create an environment where she would thrive and we would work as partners to support her learning.  My view of education was […]

Music Training Fosters Children's Success, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Music Training Fosters Children’s Success

Ah, the power of music training! I was reminded a few days ago when reading a ScienceDaily research article, Childhood Music Lessons May Provide Lifelong Boost in Brain Functioning, just how powerful music training can be in a child’s life. The article says music lessons can pay off for decades, […]
