
Entitlement: Feelings that Follow Students to College, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Entitlement: Feelings that Follow Students to College

You’ve likely heard the term entitlement, defined by the American Psychiatric Association as “unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with expectations.” In today’s college environment, a new term has emerged called academic entitlement. It refers to a student’s expectation that they receive high grades, regardless of performance. While it’s […]

College Orientation for Parents: Foster Resilience! by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

College Orientation for Parents: Foster Resilience!

Were you one of the thousands of parents who recently left your college freshman in an unfamiliar place?  For college freshmen and their families, September is usually a time of excitement and trepidation – an honored American rite of passage. But what has changed for you and your child? And […]
