If you question today’s notions of success and wonder how adults really affect the growth and well-being of today’s digital generation, download this free eBook, Reframing Success: Helping Children & Teens Grow from the Inside Out, by developmental psychologist, Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD.
Price-Mitchell makes an argument that measuring success by grades and test scores alone is not enough. In fact, it is a practice that is hurting our children. How do we instill the types of skills and abilities that cannot be measured by numbers, including effort, critical thinking, collaboration, respect, caring, honesty, open-mindedness, initiative, and imagination? We do so by reframing success and misguided notions of achievement.
Discover how children learn to be successful by developing an internal compass that guides them through life. Then ask yourself what lessons you learned from the adults who parented, taught, and mentored you. How will you share your story with the children you parent, teach, or mentor?
Are you willing to join a call to action for change in how we measure success in our kids?
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