
positive parenting

Positive Parenting: Powerful Ways to Raise Healthy Kids

The term positive parenting has become more widespread as the practice of parenting becomes influenced by research in the new scientific field of positive psychology. What is positive parenting? Positive parenting focuses on parenting practices that nurture the development of children’s core internal strengths. Rather than focusing on kids’ weaknesses […]

Parenting Educators to Follow

Parenting Educators to Follow!

Finding exceptional parenting educators can be challenging in the Information Age, even when every conceivable parenting topic can be instantly found via a search engine. Parents can share their experiences with “Mommy or Daddy Bloggers” and get feedback from almost anyone willing to respond to questions. But in the end, […]


Future Leadership: Lessons from History

What skills do future leaders need? The answer may surprise you. Research suggests that great leadership is not about a bulleted list of teachable skills, but about the quality of the person. Why is this important to parents, teachers, and others who imagine the future leadership potential of today’s young […]

Digital Health and Wellness for 21st Century Families | Roots of Action

Digital Health and Wellness for 21st Century Families

The field of digital health and wellness is expanding rapidly to include a wide variety of topics that are of interest to parents. Originally related to healthcare delivery and how technology could be used to improve patient care, digital health must be viewed more broadly to include the psychological well-being […]


School Bullying Must Be Taken Seriously

School bullying has become a serious public health issue for children of all ages. In a new book by Dr. Michele Borba, recognized educational psychologist and school bullying expert, insight and advice are readily at hand. Weeks prior to the Columbine High School shootings in 1999, Borba made a presentation […]

Childhood Trauma: How Adults Can Foster Healing and Resilience

Childhood Trauma: How Adults Can Foster Healing and Resilience

Childhood trauma often occurs from distressing events or relationships that exceed a young person’s ability to understand or process a traumatic experience. Most of us link trauma with tragedies like mass shootings, rape, accidents, war, or natural disasters. But childhood trauma is also associated with “adverse childhood experiences” (ACES) including […]
