
How to limit screen time

How to Limit Screen Time in a Family-Healthy Way

If you are wondering how to limit screen time for kids, it is likely your family is experiencing points of disagreement about technology use.  You are not alone. How to limit screen time is a big topic of conversation in today’s households, particularly during the pandemic when online education hours have […]

The Benefits of Play are "Oh, so Big!" by Katie Hurley LCSW

The Benefits of Play are “Oh, so Big!”

Many scholars have studied and written about the benefits of play for children. According to psychologist and research professor Peter Gray, play “serves many valuable purposes. It is a means by which children develop their physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral capacities.” For quite some time, my daughter was afraid […]

Listening for Understanding: A Win-Win for Families, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Listening for Understanding: A Win-Win for Families

Listening to one another is one of the most important ways parents and children create close, loving relationships. When kids feel seen, heard, and understood, they learn the meaning of empathy. They acquire the abilities to emotionally connect with others, make friends, and develop lifelong social skills. Yet listening is […]
