
Future Leadership: Lessons from History

What skills do future leaders need? The answer may surprise you. Research suggests that great leadership is not about a bulleted list of teachable skills, but about the quality of the person. Why is this important to parents, teachers, and others who imagine the future leadership potential of today’s young […]

Family Meetings Can Be Fun, Productive, and Meaningful | Roots of Action

Family Meetings Can Be Fun, Productive, and Meaningful

Family meetings are opportunities for parents and children to discuss important issues, strengthen communication, reinforce values, and nurture positive relationships. Often, parents and kids are reluctant to adopt family meetings because they don’t understand their purpose and structure. Some parents fear it will lessen their authority. Conversely, children may view […]

Self-Esteem, Unconditional Love, and Child Discipline | Roots of Action

Self-Esteem, Unconditional Love, and Child Discipline

How is self-esteem related to unconditional love? How do parents show approval for kids as human beings even as they must often show disapproval for children’s behavior? In the article, Does Self-Esteem Function as an Emotional Immune System?, Guy Winch, PhD, asserts that a variety of studies have begun to […]

Are You a People-Pleaser? Why Parents Shouldn’t Always Satisfy Kids’ Desires

Are You a People-Pleaser? Why Parents Shouldn’t Always Say Yes

If you’re a people-pleaser and a parent, beware. Research shows that your behavior can have a negative impact on your child’s development. We all want what’s best for our children. Whether they’re toddlers or teenagers, a parent’s natural tendency is to want their children to be content and happy. To […]

Resilience: How Families Grow from Adversity, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Resilience: How Families Grow from Adversity

Most of us want to protect our children from struggle. After all, if we shoulder their burdens, they’ll be happier, right? Not usually. Children are happiest when parents scaffold their children’s ability to tackle life’s challenging experiences. This kind of scaffolding is necessary from a very young age. As children […]

Classroom Management Begins with Respect, by Ondine Gross, M.S., Ed.M.

Classroom Management Begins with Respect

Why is classroom management important for teachers and students? Because a positive teacher-student relationship is essential for student learning and development. Effective classroom management includes a variety of processes and strategies that help teachers create and maintain appropriate behavior in classrooms so that all students have an opportunity to thrive. […]

Family Values: What Children Learn from Parents, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Family Values: What Children Learn from Parents

The phrase “family values” conjures an array of reactions in today’s politically charged world. And that’s a shame. Because whether our family values are conservative or liberal, they shouldn’t really change the ideals we hold for raising and educating our children. Family values have far too long been associated with […]
