
Active Listening

Family Engagement: A Two-Way Partnership

I’ve been an advocate for family engagement in education for many years. But throughout those years, one of the most challenging tasks has been to define this two-way partnership. What is it that parents and teachers need to understand about working together? And why is this partnering so important to […]

Caring children

New Strategies to Grow Caring Children & Compassionate Citizens

Do you describe your sons, daughters, or students as caring children? In today’s divided political climate, does it matter if children and teens find meaningful ways to connect with and care about others who are different from themselves? The importance of educating and raising caring children was brought to national […]

How to limit screen time

How to Limit Screen Time in a Family-Healthy Way

If you are wondering how to limit screen time for kids, it is likely your family is experiencing points of disagreement about technology use.  You are not alone. How to limit screen time is a big topic of conversation in today’s households, particularly during the pandemic when online education hours have […]

What are inner strengths?

Cultivating Inner Strengths in Adolescents

Research shows that young people who develop inner strengths and attributes during childhood and adolescence are more likely to flourish in school, careers, and adult life. That’s because success goes far beyond external achievements. It is driven by our core abilities to form positive relationships, collaborate, lead, and contribute to […]

Quotes for Kids that Promote Healthy Development | Roots of Action

Quotes for Kids That Promote Healthy Development

If you are wondering how inspiring quotes for kids can encourage self-reflection, critical thinking, and healthy development, this series of articles is for you!  In today’s digital world, adults have discovered an intense interest in quotes and share them widely on social media. Why? Because quotes contain deep seeds of meaning. […]

7 Life-Affirming, Everyday Ways to Love a Child, by Rachel Macy Stafford

7 Life-Affirming, Everyday Ways to Love a Child

“Name twenty things you love about me,” my younger daughter requested just as I was shutting the door to her bedroom. Because I immediately thought about the dirty dishes in the sink, the work I had yet to do before I could go to bed, and the ache in my […]
