

Positive Words Impact a Child’s Brain Development

Positive words are not always easy for parents to speak, especially during moments when they wish their child were behaving differently. Yet the power of positive words from a supportive parent is undeniable. During these unprecedented times, the importance of raising resilient children is more important than ever. Research at […]


What Does It Mean to “Live Love Now?”

Live Love Now: Relieve the Pressure and Find Real Connection with Our Kids is a captivating new book by New York Times best-selling author, Rachel Macy Stafford. Beautifully written, it shares inspiring stories, strategies that value people’s own experiences, and ways to apply new concepts to the shifting challenges of […]


Developing Emotional Intelligence Through Children’s Songs

Developing emotional intelligence in children is critical to their success in life. Often characterized as the depth to which individuals experience and perceive emotions, emotional intelligence can be exercised, just like intellectual intelligence, through meaningful children’s activities and experiences. Singing songs about feelings is one way that expands children’s emotional […]

Explaining Death to Children Begins with Loving Presence | Roots of Action

Explaining Death to Children Begins with Loving Presence

Most adults agree that explaining death to children is one of the toughest conversations we can have. And one of the biggest mistakes we often make is not talking about death with kids. Research shows that most children experience the loss of someone they love by the time they finish […]

Self-Awareness: How Parents Foster Meaning and Purpose in Kids, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Self-Awareness: How Parents Foster Meaning and Purpose in Kids

The concept of self-awareness has intrigued philosophers since the dawn of antiquity. In today’s world, it’s a term that can easily be dismissed as frivolous self-absorption, or even worse, narcissism. Yet, self-awareness is a core ability that helps us gain a deeper understanding of how we think, feel, and act […]

Negativity and Your Child's Brain: How to Help Kids Stay Positive, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Negativity and Your Child’s Brain: How to Help Kids Stay Positive

How does negativity affect your child’s healthy development? It’s likely no surprise to learn that all of us have inner voices, private conversations we have with ourselves. Neuroscientists have discovered that those voices are naturally more negative than positive in tone. Unfortunately, children’s inner voices are particularly negative, usually driven […]
