Love of Learning

How to Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating? Draw on Your Personal Strengths!

Parents who would like to help their children learn how to stop procrastinating and start achieving their greatest goals are invited to share this article with them, and chat about it, too. It’s written to help children and teens understand and manage their avoidance behaviors. Hopefully it will generate positive changes […]

Curiosity: How Parents Foster Lifelong Learning in Children, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Curiosity: How Parents Foster Lifelong Learning in Children

Intellectual curiosity and learning go hand in hand. But let’s be honest… Curiosity isn’t what most of us first think about when it comes to our children’s education. We want our kids to do well in school so we usually focus on external measurements of learning and academic success — […]

A Growth Mindset Fuels Creativity in Youth, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

A Growth Mindset Fuels Creativity in Youth

“A growth mindset is when students believe that their abilities can be developed,” says Carol Dweck, renowned Stanford University psychologist. Dweck coined the phrase growth mindset after decades of research on how children and teens become successful. Dweck’s groundbreaking book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, explains that success and […]

Cheating in School: Learning vs. Mastery, by Rick Ackerly M.Ed

Cheating in School: Learning vs. Mastery

To banish cheating in school, we must change the culture of school. To change the culture, we have to measure what matters. Students don’t cheat when the culture values speaking up, asking questions, and making a difference to others, because cheating serves no purpose. When students are on a mission, […]

Is Your Child Prepared for Lifelong Learning? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Is Your Child Prepared for Lifelong Learning?

Lifelong learning is a buzzword in 21st century education. And for good reason. Becoming a seeker of lifelong learning is critical in today’s fast-changing world. Learning is not only a matter of absorbing information but a process of developing many other internal skills, like curiosity, perseverance, and the ability to […]

Entitlement: Feelings that Follow Students to College, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Entitlement: Feelings that Follow Students to College

You’ve likely heard the term entitlement, defined by the American Psychiatric Association as “unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with expectations.” In today’s college environment, a new term has emerged called academic entitlement. It refers to a student’s expectation that they receive high grades, regardless of performance. While it’s […]
