
Curiosity is a Core Predictor of Academic Performance

Curiosity is a Core Predictor of Academic Performance

Curiosity and learning are intricately connected. According to research, the three pillars of academic performance are intelligence, effort, and intellectual curiosity. Did you know that curiosity and effort rival the influence of intelligence on student success? Like the Mars rover Curiosity is designed to explore the details of the Gale […]

Quotes About Curiosity to Inspire Kid's Life-Long Learning | Roots of Action

Quotes About Curiosity That Inspire Kids’ Life-Long Learning

What if some of the best quotes about curiosity could stimulate children’s thinking about themselves and how they learn? Like a well-written poem or song, an inspiring quote can spark self-reflection and action! Curiosity is the ability to seek and acquire new knowledge, skills, and ways of understanding the world. […]

Daydreaming: Mindless or Meaningful Behavior, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Daydreaming: Mindless or Meaningful?

As a child, daydreaming was one of my favorite activities. Or should I say, non-activities? I spent hours alone in my room with random thoughts wandering through my mind. I loved to think about patterns, people, and the mysteries of how things were connected. My parents believed I was doing […]

7 Life-Affirming, Everyday Ways to Love a Child, by Rachel Macy Stafford

7 Life-Affirming, Everyday Ways to Love a Child

“Name twenty things you love about me,” my younger daughter requested just as I was shutting the door to her bedroom. Because I immediately thought about the dirty dishes in the sink, the work I had yet to do before I could go to bed, and the ache in my […]

Curiosity: How Parents Foster Lifelong Learning in Children, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Curiosity: How Parents Foster Lifelong Learning in Children

Intellectual curiosity and learning go hand in hand. But let’s be honest… Curiosity isn’t what most of us first think about when it comes to our children’s education. We want our kids to do well in school so we usually focus on external measurements of learning and academic success — […]

Imagination and Play are Essential to Healthy Childhoods, by Brenna M. Hicks PhD

Imagination and Play are Essential to Healthy Childhoods

Have you taken time lately to witness your child’s imagination at work? Just stood and observed as creative play unfolded in front of you, without prompts or coaching? Children at play are in their most natural and happy state. Through your child’s play, you can witness the development of character […]
