Critical Thinking

Student Success Develops from Inside Out

Student Success Develops From Inside Out

Student success is a deceptive term in today’s educational environment. It is also a concept being challenged by parents and teachers who want more focus on whole child development and wellbeing. Teachers who foster student achievement not only understand how to teach curriculum, but they also understand that student success […]

Back-to-school articles

Best Back-to-School Articles for Parents: 2024-25

Back-to-school is always a time when parents and teachers revisit what is important for children and how to best support their positive development. This popular list of back-to-school articles, started in 2012, has been updated for the 2024-25 school year. Most articles bring you the latest thinking and research on […]

creative thinking

Creative Thinking Sparks Student Engagement & Discovery

Creative thinking is the ability to consider something in a new way – to view ideas or information through different lenses. Creative thinking involves generating new ideas, approaching problems from different angles, and thinking outside of conventional patterns. Creative ways of thinking can be applied in various fields such as […]

Teach students to achieve goals

Teach Students to Achieve Goals

Understanding how students achieve goals is critical knowledge for today’s teachers. This involves more than simply imparting information about goal setting. It’s about fostering skills in planning, organizing, decision-making, and problem-solving. These skills are foundational for developing resourcefulness in students, the ability to use available resources to achieve goals and […]

skeptic teenager

Skeptic or Cynic? How to Model Positive Skepticism to Children

Skeptics has been given a bad rap in modern society. Why? Because skepticism is often confused with cynicism. Let’s explore the distinctions and why it’s important to teach children the art of becoming a skeptic. A cynic distrusts most information they see or hear, particularly when it challenges their own […]

Metacognitive strategies

Metacognitive Strategies for Student Success

Metacognitive strategies, when employed in the classroom and with homework, help students think about their own thinking. This type of self-assessment helps young people gain greater awareness of their life experiences and achieve at higher levels. What is Metacognition? Metacognition is an aspect of introspection and self-awareness that enables individuals […]


Family Engagement: A Two-Way Partnership

I’ve been an advocate for family engagement in education for many years. But throughout those years, one of the most challenging tasks has been to define this two-way partnership. What is it that parents and teachers need to understand about working together? And why is this partnering so important to […]

Tackling poverty through service-learning

Service-Learning Fosters Lifelong Development

When I was a teenager, we didn’t have a term for service-learning. There were opportunities to volunteer in our communities but not many people thought about the lifelong value of such experiences. As I reflect on my early volunteer experiences, I know for certain that my life was changed as […]

How to limit screen time

How to Limit Screen Time in a Family-Healthy Way

If you are wondering how to limit screen time for kids, it is likely your family is experiencing points of disagreement about technology use.  You are not alone. How to limit screen time is a big topic of conversation in today’s households, particularly during the pandemic when online education hours have […]

Curiosity is a Core Predictor of Academic Performance

Curiosity is a Core Predictor of Academic Performance

Curiosity and learning are intricately connected. According to research, the three pillars of academic performance are intelligence, effort, and intellectual curiosity. Did you know that curiosity and effort rival the influence of intelligence on student success? Like the Mars rover Curiosity is designed to explore the details of the Gale […]

8 Inspirational Family Movies

Inspirational Family Movies to Watch with Your Kids

Looking for inspirational family movies that foster great conversations with your maturing children? Watching movies as a family has regained popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic. But truthfully, this activity is a great way for families to slow down, relax, and enjoy each other’s company anytime. Watching family movies serve many […]
