
skeptic teenager

Skeptic or Cynic? How to Model Positive Skepticism to Children

Skeptics has been given a bad rap in modern society. Why? Because skepticism is often confused with cynicism. Let’s explore the distinctions and why it’s important to teach children the art of becoming a skeptic. A cynic distrusts most information they see or hear, particularly when it challenges their own […]

Curiosity is a Core Predictor of Academic Performance

Curiosity is a Core Predictor of Academic Performance

Curiosity and learning are intricately connected. According to research, the three pillars of academic performance are intelligence, effort, and intellectual curiosity. Did you know that curiosity and effort rival the influence of intelligence on student success? Like the Mars rover Curiosity is designed to explore the details of the Gale […]

Critical Thinking: How to Grow Your Child's Mind, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Critical Thinking: How to Grow Your Child’s Mind

Is critical thinking for kids? Absolutely! The art of critical thinking begins in childhood. What kind of thinker is your child?  Does he believe everything on TV?  Does she always figure out how to get what she wants?  Does he ask questions?  Does she go along with what her friends […]

Quotes About Curiosity to Inspire Kid's Life-Long Learning | Roots of Action

Quotes About Curiosity That Inspire Kids’ Life-Long Learning

What if some of the best quotes about curiosity could stimulate children’s thinking about themselves and how they learn? Like a well-written poem or song, an inspiring quote can spark self-reflection and action! Curiosity is the ability to seek and acquire new knowledge, skills, and ways of understanding the world. […]

Curiosity: How Parents Foster Lifelong Learning in Children, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Curiosity: How Parents Foster Lifelong Learning in Children

Intellectual curiosity and learning go hand in hand. But let’s be honest… Curiosity isn’t what most of us first think about when it comes to our children’s education. We want our kids to do well in school so we usually focus on external measurements of learning and academic success — […]

Cheating in School: Learning vs. Mastery, by Rick Ackerly M.Ed

Cheating in School: Learning vs. Mastery

To banish cheating in school, we must change the culture of school. To change the culture, we have to measure what matters. Students don’t cheat when the culture values speaking up, asking questions, and making a difference to others, because cheating serves no purpose. When students are on a mission, […]

Is Your Child Prepared for Lifelong Learning? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Is Your Child Prepared for Lifelong Learning?

Lifelong learning is a buzzword in 21st century education. And for good reason. Becoming a seeker of lifelong learning is critical in today’s fast-changing world. Learning is not only a matter of absorbing information but a process of developing many other internal skills, like curiosity, perseverance, and the ability to […]

The Immeasurable and Enduring Role of Teachers, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

The Immeasurable and Enduring Role of Teachers

Do you ever think about the role of teachers in your life? Those from grade school, sport teams, or mentors from after-school activities? I hadn’t thought about mine for quite sometime. That is, until I recently received a small package from Bill Mash, an 82-year-old who is grieving the loss of […]

So You Think Your Child's A Genius? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

So You Think Your Child’s A Genius?

Do you secretly see a budding genius in your child? Well, you may be right. At least Rick Ackerly, author of The Genius in Every Child, thinks so. And he makes a darn good argument! A former elementary school principal, Ackerly writes convincingly about important conversations in today’s world of education […]

Impact of Media: Are We Over-Stimulating Young Children? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Impact of Media: Are We Over-Stimulating Young Children?

The impact of media is a growing topic of research. And for good reason.   In 1970, the average age at which children watched television was four years old. Today, the average age is four months. The typical child before the age of five is watching 4 ½ hours of television […]

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist?

Before my daughter entered elementary school, I knew she learned differently from other kids.  But I always imagined that no matter how she learned, her future teachers would create an environment where she would thrive and we would work as partners to support her learning.  My view of education was […]
