
skeptic teenager

Skeptic or Cynic? How to Model Positive Skepticism to Children

Skeptics has been given a bad rap in modern society. Why? Because skepticism is often confused with cynicism. Let’s explore the distinctions and why it’s important to teach children the art of becoming a skeptic. A cynic distrusts most information they see or hear, particularly when it challenges their own […]

Perfectionism in children

Perfectionism in Children Can Be Moderated by Parents

In today’s culture of high stakes testing and tough competition for college admissions, perfectionism in children can be viewed as a desirable trait. But recent research shows that perfectionism can interfere with a child’s ability to achieve goals and shape their futures–the core of what it means to be resourceful. […]

Art Projects for Kids: Learning that Matters | Roots of Action

Art Projects for Kids: Learning That Matters

With summer around the corner, it’s time to begin thinking about the wonderful art projects for kids that make learning fun! While engaging in kid’s arts and crafts should not be limited by season, summer is a great time to dive into projects without lots of homework on the back […]

Creativity Quotes that Inspire Kids’ Inner Genius | Roots of Action

Creativity Quotes That Inspire Kids’ Inner Genius

Can creativity quotes from famous, diverse voices inspire kids to explore their own creative abilities? Absolutely! Like poetry, song, and prose of all kinds, quotes have a unique way of reaching to the core of what humans have learned about themselves for centuries. With the help of adults who take […]

Empowering Girls to Become Change Makers | Roots of Action

Empowering Girls to Become Change Makers

Child and adolescent psychotherapist, Katie Hurley, believes in empowering girls. And she thinks the time to start is now. She’s not alone. Stories that have emerged from the #MeToo movement have made it abundantly clear that a woman’s lack of self-esteem and her silence on bullying, abuse, and other gender-based […]

Creativity: How Parents Nurture the Evolution of Children’s Ideas, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD

Creativity: How Parents Nurture the Evolution of Children’s Ideas

At its core, creativity is about brewing new ideas. If you carefully observe children before the age of six, you’ll notice they are idea-generating enthusiasts! Why? Because humans are uniquely creative beings, born with a gift to create new ideas and innovative outcomes that evolve from their ideas. What happens […]

A Growth Mindset Fuels Creativity in Youth, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

A Growth Mindset Fuels Creativity in Youth

“A growth mindset is when students believe that their abilities can be developed,” says Carol Dweck, renowned Stanford University psychologist. Dweck coined the phrase growth mindset after decades of research on how children and teens become successful. Dweck’s groundbreaking book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, explains that success and […]

Teaching Children Perseverance and the Value of Work, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Teaching Children Perseverance and the Value of Work

America Rice, age 11, recently expressed her views about hard work and perseverance: “If you want something,” she said, “you have to earn it. Everything is not going to come to you just when you want it.” How do children grow up to think and feel like America Rice? How […]

Popular Youth Development Articles, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Popular Youth Development Articles

Whew! I wrote over fifty articles this year on the topic of positive youth development!  My articles were accessed by over 50,000 unique readers, tweeted thousands of times, reprinted in more than 20 online publications, and even translated into several languages! I am honored by your support. Thank you! In […]

Parent Engagement: A Paradigm Shift, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Parent Engagement: A Paradigm Shift

Years of academic studies have shown that parent engagement is linked to children’s academic, social, and emotional development. But what is parent engagement? And how must it shift to meet the increasing demands of 21st century learners? Many equate parent engagement to volunteering, school governance, and fundraising. While these activities are […]

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Education and Learning: Can they Coexist?

Before my daughter entered elementary school, I knew she learned differently from other kids.  But I always imagined that no matter how she learned, her future teachers would create an environment where she would thrive and we would work as partners to support her learning.  My view of education was […]
