
Daydreaming: Mindless or Meaningful Behavior, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Daydreaming: Mindless or Meaningful?

As a child, daydreaming was one of my favorite activities. Or should I say, non-activities? I spent hours alone in my room with random thoughts wandering through my mind. I loved to think about patterns, people, and the mysteries of how things were connected. My parents believed I was doing […]

Creativity: How Parents Nurture the Evolution of Children’s Ideas, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD

Creativity: How Parents Nurture the Evolution of Children’s Ideas

At its core, creativity is about brewing new ideas. If you carefully observe children before the age of six, you’ll notice they are idea-generating enthusiasts! Why? Because humans are uniquely creative beings, born with a gift to create new ideas and innovative outcomes that evolve from their ideas. What happens […]

Successful Kids Need 8 Core Abilities: How to Parent With Purpose, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Successful Kids Need 8 Core Abilities: How to Parent With Purpose

Successful kids get excellent grades, right? They play at least one sport very well. Successful kids do regular community service and, of course, take Advanced Placement courses. They attend the best colleges and attain great-paying jobs. Wait. If you’ve ever envisioned this fairy-tale definition of kids’ success, it’s time to […]

Imagination and Play are Essential to Healthy Childhoods, by Brenna M. Hicks PhD

Imagination and Play are Essential to Healthy Childhoods

Have you taken time lately to witness your child’s imagination at work? Just stood and observed as creative play unfolded in front of you, without prompts or coaching? Children at play are in their most natural and happy state. Through your child’s play, you can witness the development of character […]

A Growth Mindset Fuels Creativity in Youth, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

A Growth Mindset Fuels Creativity in Youth

“A growth mindset is when students believe that their abilities can be developed,” says Carol Dweck, renowned Stanford University psychologist. Dweck coined the phrase growth mindset after decades of research on how children and teens become successful. Dweck’s groundbreaking book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, explains that success and […]

The Benefits of Play are "Oh, so Big!" by Katie Hurley LCSW

The Benefits of Play are “Oh, so Big!”

Many scholars have studied and written about the benefits of play for children. According to psychologist and research professor Peter Gray, play “serves many valuable purposes. It is a means by which children develop their physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral capacities.” For quite some time, my daughter was afraid […]

50 Gifts that Grow Happy Kids, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

50 Gifts That Grow Happy Kids

Don’t you love the excitement an unexpected gift brings to a child? I remember the way my daughter eagerly anticipated the arrival of Santa Claus and how each gift brought joy to her face. Some toys or stuffed animals became favorites for many years to come. But most gifts brought […]
