
Future Leadership: Lessons from History

What skills do future leaders need? The answer may surprise you. Research suggests that great leadership is not about a bulleted list of teachable skills, but about the quality of the person. Why is this important to parents, teachers, and others who imagine the future leadership potential of today’s young […]

Creativity Quotes that Inspire Kids’ Inner Genius | Roots of Action

Creativity Quotes That Inspire Kids’ Inner Genius

Can creativity quotes from famous, diverse voices inspire kids to explore their own creative abilities? Absolutely! Like poetry, song, and prose of all kinds, quotes have a unique way of reaching to the core of what humans have learned about themselves for centuries. With the help of adults who take […]

50 Gifts that Grow Happy Kids, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

50 Gifts That Grow Happy Kids

Don’t you love the excitement an unexpected gift brings to a child? I remember the way my daughter eagerly anticipated the arrival of Santa Claus and how each gift brought joy to her face. Some toys or stuffed animals became favorites for many years to come. But most gifts brought […]
