
Critical Thinking: How to Grow Your Child's Mind, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Critical Thinking: How to Grow Your Child’s Mind

Is critical thinking for kids? Absolutely! The art of critical thinking begins in childhood. What kind of thinker is your child?  Does he believe everything on TV?  Does she always figure out how to get what she wants?  Does he ask questions?  Does she go along with what her friends […]

Quotes About Curiosity to Inspire Kid's Life-Long Learning | Roots of Action

Quotes About Curiosity That Inspire Kids’ Life-Long Learning

What if some of the best quotes about curiosity could stimulate children’s thinking about themselves and how they learn? Like a well-written poem or song, an inspiring quote can spark self-reflection and action! Curiosity is the ability to seek and acquire new knowledge, skills, and ways of understanding the world. […]

Quotes for Kids that Promote Healthy Development | Roots of Action

Quotes for Kids That Promote Healthy Development

If you are wondering how inspiring quotes for kids can encourage self-reflection, critical thinking, and healthy development, this series of articles is for you!  In today’s digital world, adults have discovered an intense interest in quotes and share them widely on social media. Why? Because quotes contain deep seeds of meaning. […]


School Bullying Must Be Taken Seriously

School bullying has become a serious public health issue for children of all ages. In a new book by Dr. Michele Borba, recognized educational psychologist and school bullying expert, insight and advice are readily at hand. Weeks prior to the Columbine High School shootings in 1999, Borba made a presentation […]

Daydreaming: Mindless or Meaningful Behavior, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Daydreaming: Mindless or Meaningful?

As a child, daydreaming was one of my favorite activities. Or should I say, non-activities? I spent hours alone in my room with random thoughts wandering through my mind. I loved to think about patterns, people, and the mysteries of how things were connected. My parents believed I was doing […]

Who is my role model?

What is a Role Model? Five Qualities that Matter to Youth

A positive role model serves as an example–inspiring children to live meaningful lives. Role models show young people how to live with integrity, optimism, hope, determination, and compassion. They play an essential part in a child’s positive development. Natalie, age 18, described her role model as a person with “a […]

Childhood Trauma: How Adults Can Foster Healing and Resilience

Childhood Trauma: How Adults Can Foster Healing and Resilience

Childhood trauma often occurs from distressing events or relationships that exceed a young person’s ability to understand or process a traumatic experience. Most of us link trauma with tragedies like mass shootings, rape, accidents, war, or natural disasters. But childhood trauma is also associated with “adverse childhood experiences” (ACES) including […]

Classroom Management Begins with Respect, by Ondine Gross, M.S., Ed.M.

Classroom Management Begins with Respect

Why is classroom management important for teachers and students? Because a positive teacher-student relationship is essential for student learning and development. Effective classroom management includes a variety of processes and strategies that help teachers create and maintain appropriate behavior in classrooms so that all students have an opportunity to thrive. […]
