
Quotes for Kids that Promote Healthy Development | Roots of Action

Quotes for Kids That Promote Healthy Development

If you are wondering how inspiring quotes for kids can encourage self-reflection, critical thinking, and healthy development, this series of articles is for you!  In today’s digital world, adults have discovered an intense interest in quotes and share them widely on social media. Why? Because quotes contain deep seeds of meaning. […]

Empowering Girls to Become Change Makers | Roots of Action

Empowering Girls to Become Change Makers

Child and adolescent psychotherapist, Katie Hurley, believes in empowering girls. And she thinks the time to start is now. She’s not alone. Stories that have emerged from the #MeToo movement have made it abundantly clear that a woman’s lack of self-esteem and her silence on bullying, abuse, and other gender-based […]

How to be a Positive and Winning Youth Sports Coach by Jennifer Fraser PhD

How to be a Positive and Winning Youth Sports Coach

Whether you are a sports coach, parent, teacher, or young athlete, you know that coaching is key to success in most endeavors. In fact, research shows coaching is so important in athletics that it can be the deciding factor between those who achieve at the highest level and those who […]

Who is my role model?

What is a Role Model? Five Qualities that Matter to Youth

A positive role model serves as an example–inspiring children to live meaningful lives. Role models show young people how to live with integrity, optimism, hope, determination, and compassion. They play an essential part in a child’s positive development. Natalie, age 18, described her role model as a person with “a […]

Childhood Trauma: How Adults Can Foster Healing and Resilience

Childhood Trauma: How Adults Can Foster Healing and Resilience

Childhood trauma often occurs from distressing events or relationships that exceed a young person’s ability to understand or process a traumatic experience. Most of us link trauma with tragedies like mass shootings, rape, accidents, war, or natural disasters. But childhood trauma is also associated with “adverse childhood experiences” (ACES) including […]

How to Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating? Draw on Your Personal Strengths!

Parents who would like to help their children learn how to stop procrastinating and start achieving their greatest goals are invited to share this article with them, and chat about it, too. It’s written to help children and teens understand and manage their avoidance behaviors. Hopefully it will generate positive changes […]

Believe in Yourself: A Manifesto for Youth, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Believe in Yourself: A Manifesto for Youth

Coaches often utter the words “believe in yourself” to young people struggling with self-confidence. But what does it mean to believe in yourself? And why is it so important to the development of healthy and successful youth? No one in the world of psychology is better known for the study […]

Collective Impact for Youth: Is Your Community Making a Difference? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Collective Impact for Youth: Is Your Community Making a Difference?

What is collective impact? And how can it make a difference for children and teens? Collective impact is a relatively new term and strategy for helping communities effect positive social change. For example, most communities offer a variety of support to young people through after-school programs, services, internships, etc. But […]

Terrorism and Children: Tough Conversations That Matter, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Terrorism and Children: Tough Conversations That Matter

Terrorism has become a sad and terrifying part of life in the 21st century. It is difficult enough for adults to understand and make sense of violent acts perpetrated against innocent people, but what about children? How do adults help kids make sense of terrorism while promoting children’s well-being at […]
