
Substance Abuse Prevention Starts at Home

Substance Abuse Prevention Starts at Home

Substance abuse prevention in children and teens requires much more attention and discussion among parents. Instead of anxiously waiting to see what addictions may befall children in their teen years or magical thinking that “it won’t happen to my child,” experts know a lot about who gets addicted and why. […]


Future Leadership: Lessons from History

What skills do future leaders need? The answer may surprise you. Research suggests that great leadership is not about a bulleted list of teachable skills, but about the quality of the person. Why is this important to parents, teachers, and others who imagine the future leadership potential of today’s young […]

Explaining Death to Children Begins with Loving Presence | Roots of Action

Explaining Death to Children Begins with Loving Presence

Most adults agree that explaining death to children is one of the toughest conversations we can have. And one of the biggest mistakes we often make is not talking about death with kids. Research shows that most children experience the loss of someone they love by the time they finish […]

Integrity Quotes that Teach Kids the Importance of Character | Roots of Action

Integrity Quotes That Teach Kids the Importance of Character

Integrity quotes help children recognize that standing for what they believe is important for achieving a meaningful life. Integrity is the ability to act in ways that are consistent with the values, beliefs, and moral principles we claim to hold. It’s about doing the right thing, even when no one […]

9 Ways to Grow Your Child's Integrity, Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Integrity: How Families Teach and Live Their Values

We live in an age where integrity often takes a back seat to power and material success ­— where “the end justifies the means” is a mantra for too many adults who influence children. Nowhere has this mantra played out more publicly than in U.S. politics, where deceit, dishonesty, and […]

Family Values: What Children Learn from Parents, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Family Values: What Children Learn from Parents

The phrase “family values” conjures an array of reactions in today’s politically charged world. And that’s a shame. Because whether our family values are conservative or liberal, they shouldn’t really change the ideals we hold for raising and educating our children. Family values have far too long been associated with […]

Self-Awareness in a World of Constant Chatter, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Self-Awareness in a World of Constant Chatter

Technology and self-awareness can seem incompatible. In fact, mobile devices often prevent us from seeing what’s right before our eyes. YouTube is filled with hilarious and sometimes scary videos of people unexpectedly falling into water fountains, walking into walls, or tripping off curbs. On a recent trip to the shopping […]

All Children Have Special Needs, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

All Children Have Special Needs

Do you parent, teach, or mentor a child with special needs? Of course you do! As you know, the term special needs is most often associated with disabilities. It usually refers to a child who needs special assistance or accommodations for medical, psychological, or learning deficits. But have we allowed […]
