
Caring children

New Strategies to Grow Caring Children & Compassionate Citizens

Do you describe your sons, daughters, or students as caring children? In today’s divided political climate, does it matter if children and teens find meaningful ways to connect with and care about others who are different from themselves? The importance of educating and raising caring children was brought to national […]

Kindness Quotes that Teach Kids to Care | Roots of Action

Kindness Quotes That Teach Kids to Care

Kindness quotes and famous remarks about empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and peace help engage children in meaningful conversations about themselves. Through these discussions, we teach kids about the true essence of the human spirit.   Empathy is the ability to recognize, feel, and respond to the needs and suffering of others. […]

Empathy: How Families Lead with Gratitude and Kindness, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Empathy: How Families Lead with Gratitude and Kindness

If you had to choose between teaching your child empathy or helping her study for tomorrow’s math test, which would you choose? If you had to choose between raising a kind child or making sure he was fully prepared for next week’s basketball tournament, which would you choose? Of course, […]

7 Life-Affirming, Everyday Ways to Love a Child, by Rachel Macy Stafford

7 Life-Affirming, Everyday Ways to Love a Child

“Name twenty things you love about me,” my younger daughter requested just as I was shutting the door to her bedroom. Because I immediately thought about the dirty dishes in the sink, the work I had yet to do before I could go to bed, and the ache in my […]
